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£3.00 - The Bridlington Beach Fun Run 2024 Race Entry

Additional Items

Would you like to purchase an event t-shirt? please choose from the options below:

£6.00 - T-shirt - Extra Small
£6.00 - T-shirt - Small
£6.00 - T-shirt - Medium
£6.00 - T-shirt - Large
£6.00 - T-shirt - Extra Large

Personal Information

(Age on the day of the event. (15th September 2024 ) Please note that the minimum age permitted for this event is 0)
(Please enter N/A if you are not a member of a club)

Parental/Guardian Consent

It appears that the age submitted has shown that you are under 18 years of age.

This form must be completed by a parent/guardian of the athlete taking part. Please state the name of the person filling in this form and your relationship to the named athlete.


* Please add an emergency contact name

* Please add an emergency contact number

Terms and Conditions

This is a beach-based event run entirely on sand and all competitors enter at their own risk. While medical assistance is provided for the duration of the event no liability will be accepted by the race organisers or sponsors for any injury incurred by entering this race.

Pictures and video footage may be used on the race website or that of our sponsors and in advertising material and media write-ups. All competitors entering the 5K or 1K fun run agree to their photograph being used for these purposes.

On the day of the races, participants must be 11 years or over for the 5K Run. The Fun Run is open to participants of all ages and abilities.  Anyone under the age of 11 taking part in the Fun Run must be accompanied by a responsible adult. It is a condition of entry that all competitors agree to the terms and conditions as set out on the race website.  In the case of children under 14, it is expected that a responsible adult has agreed to the terms and conditions on their behalf at the time of entry.

Due to part of the race taking place on the award beach, participants are not permitted to be accompanied by or bring pets or other animals onto the course. For the avoidance of doubt, this includes participating with dogs.  If you have an assistance dog, please contact East Riding of Yorkshire Council to discuss the suitability of the course for your needs.

Race numbers will be collected on the day from the registration point. You must allow time to collect your number before the race start time.  Numbers will be available for collection from 09.00

There are five beach wheelchairs available for use in the Fun Run by participants unable to walk or run the course.  These are bookable on a strictly first come, first served basis.  Please email the race organisers if you would like to book one – coastal.services@eastriding.gov.uk

It is recommended that you prepare and train for this event. Please consult your doctor for a check-up if you have not exercised for some time. If you have a medical condition it must be detailed on the reverse of your race number provided. We strongly advise you seek medical advice before participating in this event and you disclose to those medical advisors the nature of this event.

By signing up to this event you have already agreed to the following:
“I agree to abide by the rules of the event. I understand that I enter the race at my own risk and that no person(s) or organisation(s) will be held responsible for any accident, injury or loss to myself prior to, during or after the event. I understand the organisers reserve the right to delay, postpone, cancel or not officially time the race in the event of adverse weather conditions or other events outside the organisers control. The determination of what constitutes this is reserved solely to the Race Director. Photographs of the race will be taken for publicity purposes. I understand that my image may be used and give permission freely for it to be used. I understand that entrants under 18 years old require the permission of a parent or guardian to take part in the event. I agree to my personal information being used as described below.”

We take privacy issues seriously and want to be open about the way personal information you provide when you enter our races is collected and used. We use the personal information you give us to keep you informed about race arrangements, to develop and enhance our event, and inform you about future events. We may pass your information to our race partners to produce results for the 5k and/or 1k Fun Run. Your e-mail will never be passed on to other companies or third parties. If you do not want to receive information about future events please let us know. We will contact you using the email address you supply on your race entry form.

COMPLAINTS: The organisers have taken every step possible to ensure this is a fun, safe and enjoyable event. The race has been organised by and with the help of volunteers. We hope you will take part in the spirit in which it is intended. If, however, you do have cause for complaint please would you direct it to the East Riding of Yorkshire Council where a formal written complaint can be recorded and duly noted.

RACE NUMBERS: Race entries are not interchangeable. Entries cannot be assigned, transferred or sold to any third party and is therefore strictly prohibited.

ACCIDENT & ILLNESS REPORTING: In the event that you suffer illness or injury during the event, you are obliged to report it to the nearest marshal.

CHANGES TO TERMS & CONDITIONS: We reserve the right to update our terms and conditions at any time. Please check regularly for any changes, which will be immediately applied to your entry conditions

I agree with the terms and conditions as described above.

Important Entry Information

To manage this Entry effectively we will need to send you important information by email. We will be providing information that we really need you to see. We will only send you information regarding the Entry itself and will not use your email address for any other purpose.