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Payment Options

Membership Options - Please choose an option below

£10.00 - Senior Club Membership
£5.00 - Student - (University or College)
£5.00 - Concession - (Age 65 or Over)
£5.00 - Concession - (Non running)
£5.00 - Senior - Second Claim
£20.00 - Family Membership
£0.00 - Family Membership - Additional Senior Member

Additional Items

£20.00 - England Athletics Affiliation 2025-2026
- England Athletics Affiliation 2025-2026 - Club Subsidised

Personal Information

(Please enter N/A if you are not a member of a club)


* Emergency Contact - Name

* Emergency Contact - Number

* Are you a new Member

If you are the lead family member, please list any additional family members to be included along with D.O.B. Please indicate which members if any require EA. If you are an additional family member please state the primary family member.

Is this a second claim membership? If so please put "Yes" and your First Claim club

Terms and Conditions

Wharfedale Harriers, is a friendly club which loves fell running. Any individual who is held to have defamed or brought into disrepute the club or any of its members may be subject to disciplinary action. This may lead to the revocation of their membership in accordance with the processes outlined within the clubs constitution or their membership application declined.

I hereby declare that I am an amateur according to the definition of the UKA and that I am eligible to compete under UK Athletic Rules.

Personal data collected on this form will be stored electronically and will only be used for the purpose of administration as required by the club. It will only be disclosed to appropriate club officials and will never be given out to unrelated organisations without your permission. A list of senior club members will be displayed alongside the entry page to allow all members to check if they have paid and also for team captains to check eligibility for certain events.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
When you become a member of or renew your membership with Wharfedale Harriers your details will automatically be registered with England Athletics. We will provide England Athletics with your personal data which they will use to enable access to an online portal for you (called myAthletics). England Athletics will contact you to invite you to sign into and update your MyAthletics portal (which, amongst other things, allows you to set and amend your privacy settings). If you have any questions about the continuing privacy of your personal data when it is shared with England Athletics, please contact dataprotection@englandathletics.org. 

You may also need to pay for a competition licence with England Athletics.  This is normally required if you wish to compete in XC or track events and may also give you discounted entry to some road events.

As a club Wharfedale Harriers is responsible for organising a large number of races throughout the year. The proceeds from these races are then used to subsidise various events for the benefit of members.  Consequently we now ask that all members as a condition of their membership, help out in some way at, a minimum of one race every year, eg helping with registration, marshalling or on the finish line, in order that all events run smoothly and to ease the burden on race organisers.     

I apply to become a member of Wharfedale Harriers, and agree to abide by both the rules of UK Athletics and the Constitution and rules of Wharfedale Harriers.

I agree to help out at, at least one Wharfedale Harriers race during the year.

I agree with the terms and conditions as described above.

Important Membership Information

To manage this Membership effectively we will need to send you important information by email. We will be providing information that we really need you to see. We will only send you information regarding the Membership itself and will not use your email address for any other purpose.