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Entry Options - Please choose an option below

£25.00 - Early Bird Entry Fee

Personal Information

(Age on the day of the event. (5th October 2025 ) Please note that the minimum age permitted for this event is 17)
(Please enter N/A if you are not a member of a club)

Parental/Guardian Consent

It appears that the age submitted has shown that you are under 18 years of age.

This form must be completed by a parent/guardian of the athlete taking part. Please state the name of the person filling in this form and your relationship to the named athlete.

Text Message Results Service

We will be sending your personal finish time via an SMS text message. If you would like to receive your finish time please enter your mobile number below.
Please ensure that you enter your mobile number correctly. Failure to do so will result in you not receiving an SMS text message.

(format 07890162700 with no spaces)

Estimated Time

England Athletics Affiliation

If you have a valid England Athletics affiliation number you can enter it below. Once your England Athletics affiliation number has been validated your entry will be discounted by £2.00. This will be displayed on the confirmation page.

Event Name Here


* Please provide an emergency contact name

* Please provide an emergency contact number

Terms and Conditions

I agree to abide by the rules of UK Athletics and the event. I understand that I enter the race at my own risk and that no person(s) or organisation(s) will be held responsible for any accident, injury or loss to myself, prior to, during or after the event. I understand the organiser's reserve the right to delay, postpone, cancel or not officially time the race in the event of adverse weather conditions or other factors outside the organiser's control. The determination of what constitutes this is reserved solely to Bridlington Road Runners Club. Photographs of the race will be taken for publicity purposes. I understand that my image may be used and give permission for it to be used. For a person under 18 years of age then a guardian / parent must submit this form and agree to the above conditions
You agree that we may publish your Personal Information as part of the results of the Event and may pass such information to the governing body or any affiliated organisation for the purpose of insurance, licences or for publishing results either for the event alone or combined with or compared to other events. Results may include (but not be limited to) name, any club affiliation, race times, occupation and age category.

I agree with the terms and conditions as described above.

Refund Policy

Entry fees are Non-Refundable and Non-Deferrable.

Transfers can be arranged if ALL details provided and only if advised before Closing Date.

I agree with the refund policy as described above.

Important Entry Information

To manage this Entry effectively we will need to send you important information by email. We will be providing information that we really need you to see. We will only send you information regarding the Entry itself and will not use your email address for any other purpose.