£71.00 for 1 session a week and £111.00 for 2 sessions a week.
Only current athletes who are renewing or new athletes who have been approved by Brenda Mallen should join the club. Prospective members should join the waiting list a per the Alnwick Harrier Junior website http://www.alnwickharriers.co.uk/?page_id=93
No refunds can be given within the year as we have to pay affiliation fees to England Athletics for each child.
Due to the high number of children waiting to join Alnwick Harriers, non payment of membership fees of 4 weeks will result in the termination of membership. Should you wish to re-join, your name will be added to the end of the waiting list.
If there is a problem with payment, then please do not hesitate to discuss with one of the coaches.
Please read through the club code of conduct and take time to consider your commitement to the club BEFORE joining.
Alnwick Harriers will continue to implement a training contract. We have found that this encourages members to turn up regularly for training therefore maintain the level of fitness required to stay with their peers. As Alnwick currently lacks a training track, alnwick Harriers rely on carrying out the majority of the training on and around the streets of Alnwick. If groups are to spread out during training, as a result of the drop in stamina levels of some individuals, this denies the rest of the training group the opportunity to achieve their full potential and there is an increased risk that arises through having the group spread out over a greater distance. If you wish to discuss either the club rules or the training contract, or would like us to clarify any point then please speak to one of the club coaches.
Terms & Conditions
Alnwick Harriers reserve the right to refuse/rescind membership at any time.
You must disclose any information pertinent to the ability of the member to take part in training sessions or competitions.