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Club Only Enduro Practice Day
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Enduro Practice Day: SACU Permit No. TBA

The Bon Accord Motor Cycle Club will organise the above one day event for bona fide club members who ride enduro bikes only. The event will be held under the National Sporting Code of the ACU, the Enduro Standing Regulations 2024 of the ACU and the 2024 Supplementary Enduro Regs of the SACU. All entrants should familiarise themselves with these publications.

The following supplementary regs ( which can be found on the Information page) apply & may be further supplemented by any final instructions before the event.

Event Secretary                  Mrs D Stuart, 3 Woodview Place, Stonehaven, AB39 2TD   Tel. 01569 763025  
Clerk of Course                   Mr Ross Fisher

All riders will be required to have an SACU Off Road Speed competition licence or you can purchase a One Event Licence for £5

Entry Options

Adult Entry Fee £20.00

Terms & Conditions

Held under the National Sporting Code of the ACU, the Standing Regulations and Supplementary Regulations issued for the meeting.
In consideration for being permitted to participate in this event I declare as follows:
1. That I have read the Auto Cycle Union rules and regulations including the National Sporting Code, Standing Regulations, Supplementary Regulations and entry form and I agree to be bound by them in every respect.
2. That I am fit and not suffering from any physical or mental disability which would impair my safe participation in the meeting and I undertake to inform the organisers immediately should any change in my condition occur which I have reason to or ought to have reason to believe would affect my ability to continue to participate in this competition.
3. That my vehicle complies with the regulations for this event as required upon scrutineering and further that it is safe and in a fit and proper condition for use in this event.
4. I further understand the nature and type of racing in which I wish to participate and I am also fully familiar with the nature, layout, features and geography of the venue upon which I wish to race.
5. As a participant I may be exposed to the risk inherent in motor sport and that I am prepared to take such risks.
6.I further agree that I shall not seek to claim against ACU, SACU, the organisers nor their officials, the land owners, the promoter or other bodies or individuals connected with the event in respect of any damage to my property howsoever caused, and whether by the negligence or breach of statutory duty of the said bodies or persons.
7. I confirm that I am not currently suspended from ACU/SACU permitted competition or on the ACU/SACU Stop list as a result of incurring a                Concussion injury. I shall notify the Club should I incur such a suspension or concussion injury between now and the race event.
Acknowledgement of the risks of motorsport
I/We understand that by taking part in this event I/we are exposed to risk of death, becoming permanently disabled or suffering some other serious injury and I/we acknowledge that even in the event  that negligence on the part of the ACU/SACU, the promoter, the organising club, the venue, owner or any individual carrying out duties on their behalf  were to be a contributory cause of any serious injury I/we may suffer, the dominant cause of any serious injury will always be my/our voluntary decision to take part in a high risk activity.
I/we have read the above and acknowledge that my/our participation in motorsport is entirely at my/our own risk.



Event Date: 18th May 2024 09:00
Date Entries Close: 17th May 2024 09:00
Entry Limit: 10
Total Entered: 10
Total Remaining: 0


Location & Directions

Meldrum Woods, , OldMeldrum, Aberdeenshire, AB34 5AH

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