The Easters Sponsored Ride 2025
Event Date: Sunday 13th April 2025
Event Location: The High Easter Point to Point Course, Clatterford End, Nr Chelmsford, Essex CM1 4QJ
RIDE SECRETARy: Victoria Raven
Contact: eastersride@gmail.com / 07808 658 222
The Ride will cover approximately 15 miles mostly over private land, tracks and bridleways on a well marked route.
1 route ONLY
There will be some optional jumps and there is no time limit
** those wishing to take a slow pace are politely asked to take an earlier start time walking the route at walk with limited trot will take 4-5 hours
Experienced stewards, refreshments, photographer, Rosettes to all finishers
There is ample, safe & easy parking
Entry Options
Adult 16yrs+, (Inc 1st Aid) | £25.00 |
Junior 3-15yrs, (Inc 1st Aid) | £20.00 |
Terms & Conditions
- The organisers reserve the right to cancel the Ride, alter the route, times or refuse entry without stating a reason.
- Entry fees are not returnable if for any reason a rider fails to start. However, if the organisers cancel the Ride, entry fees will be refunded. Adminnstration fees apply.
- The organisers do not accept any liability whatsoever for any accident, loss, damage, injury or illness to horses, owners, riders, ground spectators or any other persons or property.
- Stallions must be declared on the entry form and must be prepared to start first or last, however well behaved.
- An adult must accompany riders under 12 years of age.
- Hard Hats and suitable footwear must be worn.
- Back Protectors and Hi-Viz are recommended.
- Horses feet must be properly maintained and the organiser’s reserve the right to retire any horse or pony that appears in any way to be distressed of unfit.
- NO dogs allowed on the course. Must be on leads at the start/finish/car park.
- NO bicycles allowed on the course/ride route.
- Sections of the route on private land will only be accessible to participants on the day of the Ride.
- NO planned option for Entries on the day.
- Each competitor is responsible for collecting amounts promised by his/her sponsors and for paying these to the organisers.
- Any Medical or veterinary fees will be the responsibility of the rider or horse owner.
- It is strongly advised that Horses/Ponies attending the event are vaccinated and fully covered against Equine Flu and Tetanus.
- The organiser’s decision is final.
Refunds up to the closing date are only accepted with valid Vet or Dr certificate.
Refunds/Cancellations are not available after the closing date for any reason - please do not ask - the rules are clear on entry.
*** ALL REFUNDS ARE SUBJECT TO A £3 administration fee ***