Post Hill Relay is returning after a successful race last year. A 3 person relay around a 2.5 mile loop following the trail paths of Post Hill Woods (saving the big hill for the Post Hill Challenge later this year).
Entry Requirements
This year entries are open to both EA Affiliated runners (£5 per runner) and non-affiliated runners (£7 per runner). Must be over 18 years of age on date of race.
Race HQ Address
Post Hill 'arena', Pudsey, LS28 9EJ (Closest postcode)
- From Pudsey Town centre take Lowtown, past Wetherby Whaler ¼ mile turn right at lights onto Kent Road follow to end turn left down Troydale ½ mile carpark on left.
- From outer ring road A6110 Wickes (building supplies) at roundabout take 1st left up Pudsey road 1 mile to jct turn left up Lowtown to lights turn left into Kent road, then follow as above.
- Post Hill can be accessed by foot from Troydale, Wickes or The Beulah pub.
At Mico Lighting, Troydale Ln, Pudsey LS28 9LD
Race Numbers
To be picked up at the start 'arena' from 6pm.
Toilets / Changing
Toilets at Troydale Social Club, Troydale Grove, Pudsey, LS28 9LA. No changing rooms.
Race Start / Finish
At the 'arena' allow 10 minutes to walk from the car park. It will be signed.
Start Time: 7pm
After The Race
Results and presentation (approx 8:45pm) at Troydale Social Club,Troydale Grove, Pudsey, LS28 9LA. Please join us for a post race drink.
Local Beers for each winning team in the following categories:
• Male Open - P&B A Team
• Male Vets (35+) - St Theresa's AC
• Female Open - Abbey Ladies 1
• Female Vets (35+) - Fellandale Ladies Vets 1
• Mixed Open - Fellandale Mixed A
• Mixed Vets (35+) - Garforth Gliders
• Fastest Leg Male - Joe Baxter
• Fastest Leg Female - Paige Lockwood
We hope you had a safe and enjoyable race and will come back in future years.
Will displayed here after the event
Team Changes
Any changes to teams please notify in advance where possible to save time on the night. Full details must be supplied
Please contact us for a change form if changes are to be made on the night.
Entry Options
Online Entry - Team of 3 affiliated runners | £15.00 |
Online Entry - Team of 3 with 1 non-affiliated runner | £17.00 |
Online Entry - Team of 3 with 2 non-affiliated runnera | £19.00 |
Online Entry - Team of 3 with 3 non-affiliated runners | £21.00 |