Standing Regulations
- Riders are reminded that this trial is marked as a STOP ALLOWED trial (TSR22A).
- There is no time limit for riding an individual section.
- The trial will be closed by backmarkers who will leave the sign on area at 15:30
- Any rider passed by the backmarkers will be excluded.
- Route will be three laps of 12 sections for all classes except yellow route riders, each lap approx 5 miles.
- Sections must be ridden in order and three laps of the course must be completed.
- Yellow route riders will only complete 2 and a half laps.
- Four routes available as detailed below.
- Red Route = Adult Championship Route: Blue Route = Youth A, Sportsman, Over 40 Sportsman.
- Green Route = Youth B, Clubman, Over 50, Over 40: Yellow Route = Adult C (Wobblers), Youth C.
- There will be a conducted route for D and E class riders.
- Non Competition licence holders will be required to obtain a one event licence at the cost of £15
- Riders using One Event Licences are not eligible to score championship points
- Observers will be using an electronic scoring system, riders will not be required to carry punch cards.
- Rider numbers will be supplied at sign on and should be attached to the front of the machine.
- The SACU require that riders wear lanyard cut off devices at all events
- Any rider found not wearing the lanyard during the competition may be awarded 5 marks for each and every occasion they are seen by an observer and reported to the Clerk of the Course for further action.
- If a rider has been reported more than once the Clerk of the Course has a right to expel the rider from the results.
- Safety Helmets must be worn, boots and gloves are recommended.
- Cameras mounted on helmets or worn on the body are no longer permitted.
- Full results will be available from the club website www.bamcc.co.uk as soon as possible.
Supplementary Regulations
- Only entries made online with the appropriate entry fee will be accepted.
- Closing date for entries is Thursday 4th April 2024 at 10am. No late entries will be accepted!
- Catering will be provided and a free burger and drink is included in your entry fee.
- Best progressive score will decide in the event of a tie.
- Sections must be ridden in lap order and three laps of the course must be completed.
- I undertake to notify the club of any recent (within the last 23 days) concussion injury and will produce a doctor’s note to state I am able to compete in the event. The doctor’s note to state “The rider is no longer suffering the consequences of concussion.”
- No fun bikes or non-competitive bikes will be permitted.
- All bikes will be checked prior to sign on to demonstrate that their engine cut out device is functional.
- No practicing allowed. All bikes will be placed in Parc Ferme after rider signs on.
- Anyone caught riding in the quarry floor or on the piles of stones will not be allowed to start.
- We will be using the public road in front of the quarry for parking this year. The public road will be subject to a road closure order and should have no traffic on it, however please take care at all times when riding on this road and please keep an eye on junior riders.
- The trial will use four different start points. These will be given to all riders at the rider’s brief.
- Abusive behaviour towards observers and / or officials will NOT be tolerated.
- All riders will attend a briefing at 09:45 for final instructions.
- BON ACCORD CLUB MEMBERS must provide an observer or risk forfeiting their ride.