Race Briefing and Rules
Please read this carefully. We are typing it only once. (although you can read it several times if you choose)
As is our wont, we will open registration with a smile and a cheer at 10.30 and close it at 11.40. As in previous years it will be in St Boswells Village Hall, a fine and resplendent building in the centre of the village, next to the bus stop.
The Women’s Rural Institute are kindly providing refreshments for runners, spectators, villagers and passers-by throughout the morning and after the race, for a very reasonable charge.
If you are driving here there is some parking at the rugby club on Jenny Moore’s Road and limited on road parking in the village. St Boswells welcomes considerate parkers, indeed, may actively applaud proficient parallel parkers, and definitely tuts quite loudly at inconsiderate parkers. Please impress the locals with your car placement. There is public transport in the form of buses from neighbouring towns if you wish to take advantage. Please try to lift share with other runners where possible as its good for the environment, fuel costs and the post-race analysis.
Wobbly Bridge Trail Race will start from St Boswells’ Village Croft at 1200 on Sunday 25/05/2025 (that number feels inexpicably numerically pleasing).. There is s whacking great START sign which is visible as you come down the main street so don't worry about finding it.
The 13km route is almost all trail on the paths out to Maxton Kirk and beyond, passing the Mertoun foot bridge (Wobbly Bridge) and back via St Cuthbert’s Way to the Village Green. The route follows the same course as previous years and again does NOT go over the Wobbly Bridge. Fencing projects on the Mertoun Estate mean that you will be slightly further away from the Wobbly Bridge than you may have wished. However, fear not bridge fans, it is still clearly visible. As a trade off, Mother Nature has been diligently eroding the riverbanks in recent times, meaning that your views of the river are now nearer than ever. Excitement *and* mild peril all included in the entry fee. Please be careful. The cow safety channel through the field on your return has been provided to protect you should the herd be out, so please use it. The arrows will point you to it.
A route map will be put on the Facebook page and copies are available to peruse in the Village Hall, and a general plan of following the folk in front/looking out for arrows and markers is strongly recommended.
The route will be extraordinarily well signposted. Especially along the river. We pride ourselves on our enthusiasm for arrows, flags and marshals. If you have that sinking feeling that you may have taken a wrong turn, please track back to consult the last sign/marshal you passed.
There are toilets in the Village Hall – and council toilets at 30p a pee right outside too if you need. Bags can be left in the hall at your own risk. Although it will be insecure throughout the race, there will be honest and decent folk that we know milling about the whole time.
There will be a quick race briefing at 1155 on The Green then runners can take their starting positions. Essentially we will be reminding you that this is trail, it is uneven, you may trip up, get smacked in the face by low hanging branches, go through gates, trip on molehills, fall down rabbit holes, and you should take care on the road/ water crossings, you should always be polite to marshals, don’t fall in the river and have a good race.
Please carry a charged mobile phone.
To comply with our insurance please do not wear headphones on the course.
If for any reason you are going to withdraw please notify the nearest marshal or wait for the sweepers.
There is one water stop at the 2 / 6 mile point at Maxton Kirk and First Aid at start/finish..
The Duke of Sutherland has given permission to use areas of his estate not generally visited by the public, so please respect the land and don’t drop litter/run off the paths/take leaf cuttings/chase any sheep/bother the wildlife/etc. For this reason, dogs are not allowed on the course.
ABSOLUTELY NO LITTER. NONE. Anyone seen dropping any will be made to go back and pick it up and say sorry.
The race ends back at the Village Croft. We will aim to present trophies around about 1345.
See you in May.
Any more information that you need about the event can likely be found on the Facebook page. The best way to get in touch is through Facebook or Instagram. We will endeavour to reply as soon as we know the answers ourselves.