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Alnwick Harriers Junior Membership


CLUB CODE OF CONDUCT – Alnwick junior harriers

Alnwick harriers are fully committed to safeguarding and promoting the wellbeing of all of its members.  The club believes that it is important that members, coaches, administrators and parents associated with the club should at all times, show respect and understanding for the safety and welfare of others.  Therefore, members are encouraged to be open at all times and to share any concerns or complaints that they may have with their coaches and/or club Welfare Officers.

As a member of Alnwick Junior Harriers you are expected to abide by the following club rules:

●     All members must respect coaches, officials, volunteers and their decisions

●     All members must respect opponents

●     Members must wear suitable kit for training sessions, this includes wearing appropriate training shoes.  Reflective clothing must be worn when running after dark.  Club colours must be worn in competitions.

●     Members must pay any fees for training or events promptly

●     Junior members should not use mobile phones during training.

●     Junior members are not allowed to smoke whilst representing the club

●     Junior members are not allowed to consume alcohol or drugs of any kind whilst representing the club

●     Junior members should keep to agreed timings for training and competitions, or inform their coach if they are going to be late

       The club encourages diversity and inclusion and will not tolerate behaviors that do not follow our ethos. Action will be taken against anyone that does not follow the rules stated.

Alnwick Harriers are a competitive running club.  Therefore, we encourage members to compete if the member’s coach feels that the required level of fitness has been achieved.  This can either be in cross country competitions, track competitions or fun runs.

In order to reach the required fitness level, members need to regularly attend training sessions.  Failure to regularly attend training sessions may result in the coaches reassessing the individual’s membership.  The coaches and volunteers commit their time every week and would like to see the same level of commitment in return.  If you are unable to attend training for any length of time, either through injury or other commitment, then please discuss the matter with your coach. Continued and prolonged absence from training without appropriate explanation may result in junior membership being suspended or withdrawn.  Coaches may advise that older members increase their weekly training load, in order to benefit their long term athletic development. Through the regular attendance of quality and focused weekly training sessions, all members will enjoy the benefits of improved fitness levels, as well as improved technique.

All athletes should agree to:

●     Attend Tuesday evening training at least three weeks out of four. (Obviously allowances will be made for illness/injury, holidays and the distance that some individuals may have to travel to reach the training venue, but please keep your coach informed.)

●     Arrive promptly to training, in time for the start of the session and register with my coach.

●     Turn up to training fit to run! If you have been ill or not feeling very well, you should not attend.

●     Remain focused throughout the training session.

●     Compete in ‘friendly’ Alnwick Harrier club competitions.

●     Compete in at least two other competitions/fun runs a year; if my coach feels that I have reached the required level of fitness.

●     Train in addition to Tuesday evenings; if my coach recommends it.  And keep a training log to show the training that has taken place. (This can be in the form of a training diary, or even just a record kept on a piece of paper.)                       


Membership Valid Until: 31st January 2026 00:00
