Saving your running events hundreds of pounds
We are proud to have one of the lowest costing online entry systems in the UK and we have saved events thousands of pounds in entry fees. We had a new event contact us and start using our low costing online entry system and what we discovered was unbelievable and the team absolutely astonished.
For an event ticket price of £20.00 they where paying the ticket sales site £1.50 per entry.
The event had a capacity of 2000 runners.
When they switched to our site we provided the following charges:
Ticket Price £20.00 and the event would pay us £1.00 a saving of 50p per entry.
In the 20 minutes it took them to set up an account and get their event online we instantly saved them £1000 Yes you read that right £1000 for nothing better still this meant that the charity received more funds for their good cause.
So the question is would you like to be making savings like these? We think you might. Just create an account and get your event setup today and start making big savings.
Our entry system makes payments directly to the events. We do not collect or hold onto any event funds. Quite simply we are not allowed to and anyone doing this should not really be doing it. And after all can you trust a company to hold onto your event revenue? what if they went out of business? is this a risk you can take?.