Duathlon Dates & Distances

East Yorkshire's Premier Triathlon Club




 2025 EVENTS 

9th April #


 2m/9m (3.2km/14.4km)


 23rd  April #


 2m/9m/2m (3.2km / 14.4km / 3.2km)

 7th May

 2m/9m (3.2km/14.4km)


 21st  May


 2m/10m/2m (3.2km / 16km / 3.2km)

 4th June

 2m/9m (3.2km/14.4km)


 18th  June


 2m/10m/2m (3.2km /16km / 3.2km)

 2nd July

 2m/9m (3.2km/14.4km)


 16th July


 4m/10m/2m (6.4km / 16km / 3.2km)

 30th July

 2m/9m (3.2km/14.4km)


 13th August


 2m/10m/2m (3.2km / 16km / 3.2km)

 27th August #

 2m/9m (3.2km/14.4km)


 10th September #


 9m*/2m (14.4km/ 3.2km)

PLEASE NOTE # indicates a 6:30pm Start Time. All other Start Times are 7:00pm

(It is advised that you arrive at least 10 minutes before start times to allow for setting up and signing in) 

Run/Bike and Run/Bike/Run Distances are shown     *Note The last event is a Bike/Run event due to the failing light in September.                                                                                 

The Events Start and Finish at the Skidby Mill Car Park and are run on a two weekly cycle